Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Educational Philosophy Of Education - 1202 Words

Educational Philosophy Paper 1. What is the purpose of education? The purpose of education is to gain knowledge about general and complex skills, for example reading, writing, math, etc. Education gives students the necessary knowledge to function in today’s society. Education prepares children for their future. Education prepares students to be responsible citizens, creative thinkers, and follow directions. The main purpose of education is to help develop student’s minds. Education helps give young people exposure to the world. Without education people would not be able to function properly in society. The world would become an unsafe place and there would be social chaos. Education is the foundation to an order society with each person developed to his or her full potential. 2. Why do you teach? Why are you drawn to the rewards and challenges of teaching? I believe that all children have the ability to learn and the right to a quality education. All youths, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, and capabilities should have the opportunity to learn from professional, well-informed teachers who are sophisticated and knowledgeable, both in their area of expertise and life. Certainly, every child has different learning styles and aptitudes; however, by having a personal relationship with every student, a teacher can give each an equal chance of success. By recognizing every student s potential and having separate, individual goals for each, a teacher can accommodateShow MoreRelatedThe Educational Philosophy Of Adult Education803 Words   |  4 PagesFoundations of Adult Education, 15/T3, Dr. Jonathan Taylor The focus of this assignment was to view the educational philosophy concerning adult learning. Background histories of the adult’s education ages ago were briefly gleaned. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Getting Something with Nothing Way to Be Immoral Essay

No sooner had single light turned on green than rainbow poped up, and the unknown sound waved around it. That rings familar: it is downloading a music file that becomes our life. We know not only it is very useful and entertains us but sometimes can be illegal if done without paying for copyright. Honestly speaking, although informed of the two sides of a coin, we are inclined to the bright side of benefit; so are students at Pennsylvania State University in the United States. They also know downloading illegally is against the uni rule and the state law, but play on it due to an easy online access and the fact that many of them already enjoy a media file for taking, thus think it of not being immoral. Although it rings true as what brings†¦show more content†¦The cost on me is so painful that I might eat nothing but a dust in the end. Nevertheless, I usually do share my food with my peers. Why? Because I know the benefit to distribute is much more than a loss. In the same w ay, many a listener can make an economic and aesthetic gain by downloading music for free. Though producers may receive some damage, they can also do interests for advertising their works for which some might pay. So the action seems very ethical. All for that, it is after all unethical, since it makes a conccesion to society in long consequence, whch falsifies the moral reason. Then, how does free download slim down the social growth, and why does it matter with happiness and ethics? The social growth includes a variety of fields, such as ecnomics, science, and culture. So if you do not pay for a song and enjoy it, a producer has low income, and makes less exciting artwork next time, which means the growth is in danger. In acient Greece, the philosopher Aristotle stated what raises the growth of society is moral, and what stifles it is immoral. In fact, benefit for majority is one thing, and that for society is another. For instance, while sharing my food with friends somtimes is u nder control, doing always, at home, school, even hospital, is hardly acceptible for me. Because I may starve to die! So they do sometimes, knowing that they will not get anything unless I am alive. Did you catch it? So merely downloading a file without paying is against theShow MoreRelatedCheating is Against The Rules1044 Words   |  5 Pageshours and for this exam, I could either study for two hours and not get a good grade, or break the rules by using the notes during the exam, therefore getting a guaranteed A. What should I do? Cheating is against the rules of all corporations, institutions, and life. It is not viewed as morally correct because as one cheats, one is taking the easy way out and disrespecting those who work hard for the same outcome, therefore breaking binding contract of respecting others around you. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Economics Internal Assessment Free Essays

Alison Nathanson Chapter 17 Internal Assessment http://www. nytimes. com/2010/04/05/business/media/05screen. We will write a custom essay sample on Economics Internal Assessment or any similar topic only for you Order Now html? scp=10sq=moviesst=Search Branding Comes Early in Filmmaking Process By STEPHANIE CLIFFORD 717 words Monopolistic Competition is a market structure in which many firms sell products that are similar but not identical. It is a mixture between monopoly, which is a firm that is the sole seller of a product without close substitutes, and perfect competition, which is a market with many buyers and sellers trading identical products so that each buyer and seller is a price taker. The movie industry is monopolistically competitive as there are many firms competing for the same group of customers, there is product differentiation, and free entry and exit. Anyone can make a movie, yet it is the differentiations of each that allow for moviegoers to decide which ones they want to see, and therefore which ones will gross the most money. In the long run, monopolistically competitive firms have zero profit equilibrium. [pic] If one movie is making a lot of money, more movies are put into theatres to try and even out competition, or if one company is producing a lot of movies, writers sell to other companies (new firms enter) and the demand curve shifts to the left. If no one is watching the movies, firms loose money and the demand curve shifts to the right. Due to these shifts, zero profit equilibrium occurs, as shown above, where price equals average total cost. In movies today, and always, companies have made deals with movies in rder to be included in a film. This is all part of marketing, as for example; companies think that if Brad Pitt is eating a Twix in a movie, the movie watchers are more likely to buy a Twix after the movie than to buy Snickers. The author stated that â€Å"Now, having Campbell’s Soup or Chrysler associated with your project can be nearly as important to your pitch as signing Tom Cruise. † Having these name brands with your movie also comes with a lot of added ben efits. The writer and director of the film â€Å"Up in the Air† got the hotel mogul Hilton to sponsor his film for exchange of putting Hilton hotels in the movie. Thus, the movie got the added benefits from Hilton, such as the crew getting free lodging. In order to maximize profit, marginal revenue must equal marginal cost. If you look above, you can see that at this point on the graph (MR=MC) price exceeds marginal cost. This is because price equals average total cost, and the downward sloping demand curve makes it so that at the profit-maximizing quantity of MR=MC, price (atc) is greater than marginal cost. For example, the marginal cost to the company of lodging for the crew is taken care of through Hilton, yet there are other expenses that the company must purchase as well so that the average total cost is equal to the price and zero profit equilibrium occurs. â€Å"The cost of movies is going up, and that really drives almost everything,† said Jack Epps. In monopolistic competition, the long run always has zero profit equilibrium. So, if one firm kept the price of movies low, then their price would be below average total cost and they would have losses. In order to have a profit, price must be above average total cost, yet in monopolistically competitive firms price equals average total cost so this is not possible in the long run. Unlike monopolies, monopolistically competitive firms do not have the ability to price discriminate, which is the business practice of selling the same good at different prices to different customers. They must charge the same price per movie to everyone. Therefore, they all need to produce where MR=MC in order to profit maximize, which actually creates zero profit equilibrium. The author stated that â€Å"If you want to catch an executive’s attention right now, it’s not just selling the script, but you’re showing them how to create a brand. † Movie producers want to have a name for them, so that they will have an advantage over the many other firms out there. Due to the large number of sellers, and free entry and exit, firms that are monopolistically competitive will do anything it takes to differentiate themselves to their competition†¦ let’s just hope the differentiation produces some good film! How to cite Economics Internal Assessment, Papers